
New Beginning

In Chicken husbandry on February 17, 2012 at 7:27 pm

Feb. 17, 2012

If you enjoyed this little blog, please continue to read about the girls in their Hampstead home and my new animal adventures.  My new blog is called KittyBunnyChicken and you can link to it here.

The “Chicken Lady” did indeed introduce the Montessori students to their new friends shortly after their relocation.

The girls now enjoy the attentions of Mr. Edwin Marty, the Director of the Hampstead Institute…

Edie is not so sure about this Chicken Lady.

Farmer Anne who is in charge of daily operations at the Hampstead Farm…

And many enthusiastic Future Farmers of America!

Thank you again, for your readership.  I hope I can continue to entertain you with my animals and friends.

The Final Chickendiary

In Backyard chickens, changing urban chicken laws, chicken coop, Chicken husbandry, eggs, New Urbanist, urban chickens on February 1, 2012 at 7:32 pm

Feb. 1st, 2012

First, an update on the girls.  I stopped by yesterday after volunteering at the Humane Shelter.  The farm was quiet and there was no one around but three restless chickens.  They’re not finished with the fence, so the girls were still enclosed in their coop.  I had grapes with me, so I fed them in turn through a crack in the door.  I’d like to pretend they knew me and were happy to see me, but it was probably just the grapes. 🙂  I refilled their water  and snatched a Daisy egg from the nest box.  (I’m getting to be such an outlaw!)  I will see them again on Thursday when the Montessori students meet Rosie, Violet & Daisy for the first time.  I will lead the students to meet the girls wearing my beautiful chicken suit.

I hope the parents aren’t afraid for their children to be escorted by “Miss Debbie Chicken”.  I am an actual teacher, licensed by the state of Alabama, so I’ve had a thorough background check.

This is my 133rd post.  I began the chickendiary on April 27th, 2011, nine months and four days ago. It has been one of the great joys of my life.  Thank you for reading and responding to the ravings of a slightly obsessed madwoman.  Kindly leave your comments at the end of this final post so they will be enshrined in the chickendiary in perpetuity.  🙂 I’d like to close with acknowledgements and expressions of gratitude.

To our neighbor who waged an eight month campaign to evict our pets–The victory is yours my friend.  I hope it was sweet.  My Aunt Carol said it best and I quote, “It ‘s a shame the board makes you give up your chickens but allows a turkey to stay!”

And to all our supportive, fun-loving, forward-thinking friends who brought their families to our back yard to gather eggs, feed grapes and pose for fotos with fowl–Thank you for sharing this adventure with us.  It was a wild ride and we don’t regret a thing.

Mike, the Chicken Whisperer

Meggie & Daisy

Layla & Riley

Hannah (our kid) & Daisy

Andrés Duany & Violet

And to Dr. Glasscock, who saved Daisy’s life after the feral cat trauma–Thank you for your skill and kindness.  She was worth it, wasn’t she!

And to Robert, from the FEED LOT (shameless plug) who helped us pick out three little balls of fluff from a galvanized tub in your store–You are a fabulous pet-picker!




And to Dennis and Tama, our excellent “chicken sitters”–Thanks for your time and effort and letting us take an occasional vacation.

To Terri, our sweet backyard neighbor who lived in harmony with our girls for nine months (even though she is not a “chicken person”) 🙂

Miss Terri & Ce Ce

And to Jim, who spent countless hours and labor building chicken structures and countless dollars paying for vet bills and pricey organic chicken feed– I thank you from the very bottom of my heart.  Not many husbands would indulge their crazy wives in such a way.  I hate to embarrass you, but here goes…I love you.

The Coop Debut, May 30th, 2011


And to Daisy, Rosie & Violet–Thank you for being the sweetest, prettiest, silliest, smartest chicks a girl could ever know.  I’ll miss you very much.  Please be good at your new home and never forget your chickmommy.

Signing off–Deb

Operation Chicken Relocation

In Chicken husbandry on January 31, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Jan. 31st, 2012

Edwin arrived right on time.  Daisy welcomed him warmly.

He seems nice. I wonder if he has grapes.

The two of us wrangled the girls into their old brooder cage for the trip.  Most factory farm layers have about this much space their whole lives.

It turns out, Edwin’s truck bed was too small, so I called two heroes to help this damsel in distress.  G.T. and Gary are master builders in our neighborhood and they both dropped what they were doing to transport the coop to Hampstead.

I love these guys!!!

We convoyed down Hwy 85 with three vehicles, 4 humans, a chicken coop and 3 chickens.  We arrived safely and I snapped a photo of the girls’ new neighborhood as we drove in.


After two hugs and heartfelt “thanks” to my two new boyfriends, Edwin and I settled the coop and put everything back together.

They are building a fence all along the field which will be a huge chicken run when completed.  There are garden beds filled with vegetation and clover between the coop and the barn.

Notice the similarity between the coop and barn. Sweet!

We got the girls settled inside and gave them some water and food.  I showed Edwin how I remove the roof and clean the coop.  Also how the little doors fit in the windows and where to place the water, food and dustbath.  He indulged me kindly even though the man has raised chickens for years and I was acting like he was a newbie.  I think he sensed how sad and nervous I was about their first night in a new place.

Proud Papa!

It was about an hour before sundown, and Mr. Marty left me alone with my babies to blubber like an idiot.  If anyone had driven by they would have seen a near 50-year-old woman sitting on the ground next to a funny red house talking to three chickens.

We like it here so far!

As the sun was going down I figured no one would arrest me for pulling up a few handfuls of lettuce and clover to give to the girls before bed.  There’s probably an HOA regulation against it, but I was feeling brave.

Thanks Mom! Can we have this every night?

The ladies went through their nightly routine of taking a short dust bath & getting a drink before bed.

Then…one by one…they climbed up to bed…

Good night Violet.

Good night Rosie.


...night, my sweet Daisy.

Thank you for going on this adventure with me.  Please join me tomorrow for the final post.

Not anymore.